About Justin.

Hi there and welcome! I’m Justin Campbell-Platt and I’m a product designer, strategist and writer.

Whilst I’m currently analysing the psychology behind your favourite products at Growth.Design; I’ve always been fascinated by and engaged in what makes a product great, and what goes into scaling its impact (I have a background working in 4 tech startups and 6 media companies).

Professor Don Norman, has a quote in his book Emotional Design which encapsulates my (what feels like) endless curiosity:

Designers will never lack for things to do, for new approaches to explore

And as you navigate my website, you’ll discover that this has very much been the case for me.

My collection of articles is a sum of my attempts to self-educate on subjects like the human condition, product design, the creative process, art, startups, strategy, marketing, and much more.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where/what did you study?
I attended University of Arts London (LCC), studying Information and Interface Design (BA), but cut my time there short as I dropped out at 19 years old to pursue my preferred, faster-paced method of education - building real products in startups.

Why do you write?
From my building my first review-focused media company, to working as a media intern at Future Plc’s own T3 Magazine and TechRadar, to working even as a Media Coordinator for an international non-profit in countries such as Brazil, Canada, and Ireland; I’ve definitely had my fair share of unique professional opportunities to put my experiences and thoughts into words. But ultimately it’s the continuous act of sharpening the mind and, as author William Zinsser points out, exploring a question and taking control of it - that brings me in front of the keyboard from time-to-time. Writing is a part of my research process. To come into contact with good or bad experiences, and draw from them what is important, necessary, and true.

What advice do you have for those early in their career?
Turn down large offers, don’t complain, and surprise yourself. (Explore this and more lessons in this article).

What advice do you have for creatives that want to progress?
To notice little thoughts, work with what you have, and never settle your curiosity.

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